1 definition by hi i’ve been fucked over alot

When someone is shallow it means they only care about status and what people think of them. they will do things such as...

1) judge people solely on their looks

2) only talk about themselves and flaunt things that they have

3) complain to people who have much less than them

4) date for status

5) usually a ‘toxic friend

6) talk about how they’re better than others

7) judge others for what they wear/have

8) talk about the new expensive clothes, tech and other things they have

and many other things
example #1 person: why are you dating them they’re racist and homophobic!

shallow person: who cares they have money and they’re good looking and really popular.

example #2 shallow person: this coat was £400 and i got it in New York (or somewhere else fancy).

example #3 shallow person: ugh my dad only gave me £20 to go out today he’s such an asshole...

example #4 shallow person: he’s famous so who cares if he has a bunch of toxic traits.

example #5 shallow person: your outfits ugly you look homeless. did you find that jumper in an alley?

example #6 shallow person: they’re so poor and obese if hate to be them. i’m so lucky i have good looks and money.

example #7: why are you wearing those headphones around your neck you look like a nerd.
example #8 i got the iphone 11 pro which none of you could ever afford.
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