1 definition by heyyoo33

Bryce's are usually the guys who are sweet,funny,athletic,nice,tall, and has a body! Bryce's don't have that many friends but has many true one's. Bryce's usually are the guys who are chilled and take competition to the next level.They have a great personality and would become great dads.Bryce's are usually the class clowns in class plus will always brighten your day if your bored.Did I tell you they have a body? Oh yasssss boooo they do! And they are so sweet plus give the most amazing hugs ever! Plus good in bed!.When Bryce's see their friends or someone sad or stressed or depressed they usually can make you not breathe because you would be laughing your butt off. He has the ability to make a girl smile in a heartbeat by the crazy stories he tells.The first time you meet him you may think he's a bad boy..but once you really get to know them they are really entertainment and flirt at times. Trust me if you ever meet a Bryce Keep him because he's a great hugger,friend,and is great at cuddling,and has a very chill personality.
Girl#1:Bryce is soo funny..
Girl#2:ITS BRYCE! What do you mean?
by heyyoo33 December 5, 2014
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