1 definition by hewhewho

Hewie is the last bitch you wanna mess with on earth. He (or she when his bitch mood turns on) can be a very sweet, romantic, generous, adorable guy. He is extremely friendly and protective to his friend as well. Whoever is named Hewie or changing your name to Hewie is basically a godblessed cuttttiee. If you provoke him, he will turn into a fucking mean toxic bitch and is no longer put up with your shit. You better outta his face or he will cuss the shit out of you.
A: You don't take somebody's sparkling water in the fridge that doesn't belong to you.

Hewie: Spare me your fucking lectures. You either accept my apology or leave it and GET DA FUCK OUTTA OF DIS ROOM

B: Dammmnnnn...Hewie's this bitch!
by hewhewho November 22, 2021
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