1 definition by her bestest ho <3

An independent and affectionate person. Someone who will always motivate and encourage you to be your best and will ensure you are loved. A very smart, maybe sometimes lazy, person who is cautious to not get too close to someone and possibly might hurt others by not showing the same amount of care. However, she likes to show that she cares through things such as physical touch and quality time instead of things like words of affirmation and gifts/acts of service. She almost never asks for help even if she needs it. She loves to be involved in groups of people and can be influenced in both a good and a bad way. She gets distracted and forgets easily and isn't the best at communication but she knows and will apologize sincerely for that. Can be both open to doing new things as well as only wanting to do something she is comfortable with, and also can be cold (literally and emotionally) alot and all in all she is an amazing person who loves to cuddle (but also prefers her space alot) and loves sushi, asking random questions, dogs, tiktoks, and joking alot.
Karla is a real one, a true friend and an even better best friend.
by her bestest ho <3 December 19, 2020
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