1 definition by hannahkam

Iliana is one of the most beautiful girls ever. With big bright eyes, a pretty smile, and a funny laugh everyone falls to her feet. She can be very loud and energetic and in a split second will go to either quiet as a mouse or mad. She can be so pretty but will still have bad thoughts about her appearance. She is very caring towards others and is very loyal to her friends. Anyone who is her friend is the luckiest person ever. If you are her best friend consider yourself lucky, she's a keeper. She always puts other's needs before her own because she doesn't find them important. Careful though, on the outside, she is very sweet and caring but when you make her mad all hell is broken loose. She has a lot of "friends" but lets very few people on the inside. She is the best at hiding her emotions, like seriously, she can say "yes I'm fine" and will go somewhere private and cry. If she opens up to you then you're special. She is also the girl who gets used a lot when she falls for someone. She is the most amazing and loyal girlfriend. She gives amazing advice. She goes through some tough shit and hides it all with a smile and a silly face.
"Iliana is so pretty!"
"I wonder how she's doing today."
"Let's ask her if she wants to hang out tomorrow!"
by hannahkam May 12, 2020
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