2 definitions by hamburbur

โ€œ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿช“โ€ used to mean lolicon slasher (lolicon meaning an adult attracted to underage anime girls), but now means loli guro (guro meaning porn with gore, blood, slashing, cutting off limbs, etc). itโ€™s a type of proship. its fine to use this combination now, but only if you clarify that itโ€™s not the new definition.
โ€œhey what does the โ€˜๐Ÿญ๐Ÿช“โ€™ mean in your bio?โ€
โ€œoh it means lolicon guro! itโ€™s anime girls who get slashed, lots of gore. im into itโ€
by hamburbur May 12, 2023
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A Furry is a person who has an obsession with anthropomorphic animals, usually dressing in a fursuit, making art consisting of furries, saying OwO or UwU, and speaking in asterisks. Whatever you do, DON'T look up the fandom. The fandom is a dark, dark place. I've seen stuff.
"rawr! uwu *notices ur bulge* owo whats this??? *nuzzles and pounces on u* uwu u so warm!
"What the actual hell, bro. Get away from me, you furry degenerate.
by hamburbur February 20, 2021
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