3 definitions by hadtotellthetruth

Someone who is always nice, wants to be with friends, and is easy to love. She has a hard time expressing her feelings but will understand others feelings. Jordan's can be athletic, extremely pretty, and out going. You will always feel bad if you hurt her. She is usually very unique in many ways. Trust me, you want a girl named Jordan in your life.
Jordon is perfect

She is everything a guy can ask for
by hadtotellthetruth August 15, 2014
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Someone who is always nice, wants to be with friends, and is easy to love. She has a hard time expressing her feelings but will understand others feelings. Jordan's can be athletic, extremely pretty, and out going. You will always feel bad if you hurt her. She is usually very unique in many ways. Trust me, you want a girl named Jordan in your life.
Jordan is perfect

She is everything a guy can ask for
by hadtotellthetruth August 15, 2014
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Someone who is always nice, wants to be with friends, and is easy to love. She has a hard time expressing her feelings but will understand others feelings. Jordan's can be athletic, extremely pretty, and out going. You will always feel bad if you hurt her. She is usually very unique in many ways. Trust me, you want a girl named Jordan in your life.
Jordan is perfect

She is everything a guy can ask for
by hadtotellthetruth August 15, 2014
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