2 definitions by gxxr1130

Love Languages refer to a concept developed by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book "The Six Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate." According to Chapman, people have unique ways they give and receive love. Recognizing and understanding these languages can help improve relationships. Here are the six love languages:

Words of Affirmation: Expressing love and appreciation through verbal compliments, words of encouragement, and affirmations. Examples include saying "I love you," "You mean the world to me," or "I'm proud of you."

Acts of Service: Demonstrating love by performing acts of service for someone. This could be anything from cooking a meal, doing household chores, or helping with tasks, all done with a positive attitude.

Receiving Gifts: Giving and receiving gifts as a token of love and appreciation. The value of the gift is not as important as the thought and effort behind it.

Quality Time: Spending undivided attention and quality time together. This involves active listening, spending time doing activities, or simply being present with one another.

Physical Touch: Expressing love through physical touch, such as hugging, cuddling, and other forms of physical closeness.

Fuckery: The wild card love language. It's all about pranks, teasing, and playful banter. Keeping things spicy with a dash of mischief.

Understanding and communicating in your partner's primary love language can strengthen the bond and improve the quality of the relationship.
I wasn't to sure about Lana, but I knew she was the one when she was able to perfectly reciprocate my love language - fuckery. <3
by gxxr1130 October 24, 2023
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Something that is extremely valuable, coveted, or held in high regard.

This is evidenced by the fact of gold is very rare, valuable, and pleasing to the eye. Also, a baby is treated as being just as valuable, rare, and with the creepy way and frequency that people (especially women) stare at them perhaps more valuable. The combined effects of these infers an exponential effect.
The race card is the golden baby of the politically correct movement.
by gxxr1130 October 26, 2009
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