1 definition by grammar_luvver2000

The reaction elicited by the types of questions asked by talk-show host, erstwhile newspaper editor, and one-time talent-show judge Piers Morgan.

1. the look on one's face after having asked the most stupid question imaginable. "No, and wipe that stupid piersmorgan off your face."

2. a question which itself is inestimably stupid or banal. "The interview consisted of an endless stream of piersmorgans."

3. the actual face of a person who has just asked a very stupid question whose answer is obvious, and whose sole purpose which was to elicit anger from the respondent. "I sat there, staring incredulously at his stupid piersmorgan."

4. a four-fingered slap across the face of the smarmy git who just asked you the stupidest question ever devised, leaving a visible mark but causing very little pain and no permanent damage. "I gave him a piersmorgan he won't soon forget." Also refers to the actual mark made by said slap. "Where'd you get the piersmorgan? She's a real beaut, mate"


1. (intr. or tr.) to pose a string of mindless, self-aggrandizing questions. "The thought of having to listen to him piersmorgan all night was nauseating." "Are you going to sit there and piersmorgan me all night?"

2. The act of administering a slap across the face as a reward for a particularly odious string of stupid questions. "Keep that up and I'll piersmorgan the crap of you!"
by grammar_luvver2000 April 4, 2011
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