1 definition by goodguyjim

Being a Sømand goes way back into history. The Sømand was the man of the sea, as he sailed out into unexplored worlds. Sømænd (plural) often sailed with boats powered by manpower only. As there was never women around on the ships, Sømænd got feelings for each other.

Being a Sømand is a synonym of having gay feelings for another man and is rarely used in the daily talk.

The term 'Sømand' is used when someone acts out homosexual and can be used in any sentence.
Person A: 'Wow look at that guy over there, I'm so in love with him.'
Person B: 'He's never going to be into you. You know he's a Sømand.'

'I came out as a Sømand, and my parents freaked out.'
by goodguyjim January 11, 2018
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