2 definitions by genderfluid so its always gay

This games makes you realize that you’re not straight when you notice how Jaehee’s route is the most calm of them all and how Rika is the most interesting character. Instead of being attracted to the male characters, they might simply just give you gender envy. You might experience some comphet in the beginning because “I can fix him”. But yeah Mystic Messenger is amazing 10/10 would spend 75$ for Saeran route.
When first downloading: ohhh look fun mystery chat game :)
Mystic messenger: come chat with pretty boys!! And a pretty girl!! And RUIN YOUR SLEEP SCHEDULE. Did you eat yet?

Rika and Jaehee: exists
Me: gay

Also me: starts choosing the “But I’m not a girl” option in the prologue chatroom. Y’know just a as a joke. Totally. #stillcisthough ??

Game tried to make me love Jumin and V but instead I love them shipped together

Saeran best boy
by genderfluid so its always gay November 28, 2021
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Ship and let ship, used in the context of fandoms for pairings of characters.
Person 1: I want character A and character B to end up together, literally die if you ship anything different.
Person 2: SALS dude, it’s not that serious
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