1 definition by frisky driskey

The Hardest and most fun game ever! ive been playing it for 4 years! i cant believe i actually liked soccer because lacrosse beats out any other sport in the US! its the fastest game on 2 feet and girls lacrosse is soo much frikin harder then guys cause all we wear is a mouthguarg goggles and my team had under armour uniforms thats all we wear! all my LADY BULLDOGS are the best! LACROSSE KICKS ALL OF THE OTHER SPORTS ASSES! DONT LISTEN TO THE GAY DEFINITIONS THAT SAY IT SUCKS!
if you want to play a sport that u get more bruises and bloody nuckles then football, and want to play a sport that some guys play but girls can kick their asses in, PLAY LACROSSE!
by frisky driskey June 19, 2005
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