4 definitions by frickinmuck

A word used to induce a negative response or association in the person hearing or reading it. Commonly used to appeal to people's emotions rather than their reasoning, and thereby get them on your side.

Antonym: purr word
The anti-abortionists stood in the courtyard chanting snarl words and waving placards. "Baby killers!" "Murderers!" they screamed, "Save the unborn!"

"Any government that supports, protects or harbours terrorists is complicit in the murder of the innocent and equally guilty of terrorist crimes."
-- George W. Bush
by frickinmuck April 20, 2005
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Eyes that are small, red, moist and beady, usually from exhaustion, allergies, hangover, crying, pot-smoking, illness or just having unfortunate genetics. The effect is generally unpleasant, undesirable and even creepy.

The word also functions as a metaphor for misery, exhaustion, malaise and any of the various conditions that would make one gull-eyed.
"Gerry said he didn't drink much last night, but he was looking pretty gull-eyed this morning."

"I told her the baby was cute, but it was actually gull-eyed and ugly."

"I was feeling pretty gull-eyed all week. I still can't believe my dad is dead."

"You're out of weed, are you? I don't know - you're looking pretty gull-eyed to me!"
by frickinmuck March 3, 2010
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A pansexual is someone who isn't influenced by the binaries and labels surrounding gender and sexuality. This can mean attraction to anyone regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Some pansexuals take it a step further to be openly against those labels and definitions, considering them to be destructive and alienating.
During their date he was relieved to find out she was pansexual, and that sharing his transgendered status wouldn't be the hassle it often was with other people.
by frickinmuck February 16, 2008
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A word used to induce a positive response or association in the person hearing or reading it. Commonly used to appeal to people's emotions rather than their reasoning, and thereby get them on your side.

Antonym: snarl word
George Bush peppered his discourse around his war plans with phrases intended to associate an invasion of Iraq with "peace" and "freedom."

"For all who love freedom and peace, the world without Saddam Hussein's regime is a better and safer place."
-- George W. Bush
by frickinmuck April 20, 2005
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