1 definition by fooz420

The highest level of chola known to the mexican community. They generally have a small to even smaller sized penis and a head the size of a watermellon. Wearing black sports caps and slicking there hair back, they tend to think that they are "smooth" when dealing with the opposite sex but usually get laughed at, slapped, or have drinks thrown on them. Pay no regard to these "pickford cholas" as they only cause mayhem to gardens and taco bells across the nation.....
chola "Damn that Pickford Chola..... keeps takin his sweet as fuckin time!!"

"If you ever use a bong as a microphone, then this may also be described as a Pickford Chola"

"Ever destroyed a kitchen cooking a small meal? Damn, thats a Pickford Chola and a half!!"

"Came home in a drunken rage and ripped a railing off?? Pickford Chola..."

"Tossed a dishwasher across the room??? Pickford Chola"
by fooz420 January 24, 2013
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