1 definition by fooloof

When knowingly guilty of something, repeatedly deny vehemently to the point of playing the ethical or moral card.
Before finally admitting to PED use, former cycling champion Lance Armstrong said the following:

1. "We are completely innocent. We run a very clean and professional team that has been singled out due to our success"

2. "The simple truth is that we outwork everyone. But when you perform at a higher level in a race, you get questions about doping."

Major League Baseball player Ryan Braun, before finally admitting to "making mistakes" took it to a new level with some of his quotes:

1. "When you know you're innocent of something, it's extremely difficult to have to prove it when you're in a process where you're 100 percent guilty until proven innocent."

2. "I have always taken tremendous pride in my image and my reputation and being a role model and handling myself the right way and doing things the right way."
by fooloof July 23, 2013
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