1 definition by flo mclovin

1; makeing a big deal out of something simple
2; flipping out, yelling, threating others, and then calling the police to arrest those you were threatening.
3; being a fucktard

guy 1: ok we just need you to sign here on the line.

guy 2:NO! i dont need to sign anything! (storms away)

guy 3: what was his problem?

guy 1:fucktard over there is pulling a steve.


guy 1: NOOOOOOOOOO! I WILL FUCKING KICK YOUR ASS! (runs away yelling)

guy 2: hunh?
(cops arrive 15 mins later)

cop to guy 2: you know you could be arrested?

guy 2: hes pulling a steve, he threatend me!
by flo mclovin January 11, 2011
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