1 definition by fjireiog588466

The place or mental state where the most fun and craziness happens. The mental state that one enters when they are really really hammered/drunk. Being absolutely blitzed. Having great fun, but on the brink of destruction. To the point of intoxication where bad things will happen if anymore alcohol is consumed.

The place that you strive to go when you rage.

Inspired by the theme song from the classic movie top gun.
Friend A: Dude are you really planning on having 20 standard drinks tonight?

Friend B: Bro, I don't know, but it is definitely possible. I am going to the dangerzone tonight!

Friend C: (Drunkenly pumps his fist and sings loudly) "Highway to the Dangerzone!"
by fjireiog588466 March 1, 2011
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