1 definition by fat kids eat cake

A school with a relatively mediocre academic reputation, mediocre athletic programs, and mediocre.. well, everything. This school draws from five school districts in butt fuck nowhere, NJ where all of the girls either have tanning beds installed in their basements or waste approximately 4/5 of their part time job money on fake tanning, the guys either wrestle or highly endorse John Deere, and everyone else is basically boring- with the exception of a few.

Del Val has an addiction to not prepping students for life after high school. It's great. Counselors don't really give a shit about 90% of the students (which is about.. 90 students), the school has cut funding for everything, and ever since our gay ex-principal left, it's just been downhill.
Woo hoo Del Val.
by fat kids eat cake January 11, 2011
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