1 definition by facts:)

An Amber is a very beautiful girl with brown hair and brown eyes. Amber loves to spend a lot of time with her body and her friends to stay in touch. She is a clean freak and likes to have a tidy lifestyle, often she can be lazy to do chores but later on she gets them done. Amber can get sad sometimes about things you won’t understand unless your her. Amber can get really angry you wouldn’t be able to imagine it. She a very caring, loving, organised person you could ever meet. At first when you meet her she is often shy but the more yous hang she will start to get comfortable. Amber can be a bitch and sometimes bossy about lots of things, she can also get jealous but it’s very rare. Many boys have feelings for her but some just won’t show it unless she’s single. Amber loves to be in relationship so she can have a best friend to talk to whenever something is wrong or to anoy. If you know or in relationship with her, then your are a very lucky person. You should be really grateful so know her.
Such an Amber.
by facts:) February 4, 2018
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