1 definition by everywhere

Also known as SG for short. Not to be confused with San Gabriel Valley, this definition refers to simply San Gabriel the city. Not Alhambra, not Rosemead, nor any other city in the Valley.

San Gabriel is a city in Los Angeles County, California, United States.

It was originally a sleepy church town, built in 1771.

In 1852, San Gabriel became a township of Los Angeles.

It was a small town filled with Whites and Hispanics.

But in the 1980s, Asians flooded in and built all these Asian businesses. When we say 'Asians', we really mean Vietnamese and Chinese, because that's all SG has, though there are also a few Filipinos.

Everyone goes to malls on weekends, wears Hollister, and dresses up trying to be cool. There are plenty of ricers, tabs, gangstas, TMBs (like the other definition says), and a few scene kids.

There is nothing to do in this city except drink boba (supposedly boba originated in San Gabriel, but there is no evidence to back this up) and shop. Even that gets boring after awhile.
San Gabriel is the new Chinatown.
San Gabriel is filled with Hispanics and Asians.
by everywhere September 9, 2006
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