2 definitions by essays_suck

The time(s) of day when your dogs start singing you the song of their people. Can be out of anger or excitement, when they want something from you. The borkening usually occurs when they want food, someone comes over, or they want out of their crates.
Ex 1)
*dogs borking like crazy*
Person 1: Why are the dogs barking so much?
Person 2: It’s the borkening. They want out of their crates. It happens every morning.

Ex 2)

*dog borking in the other room as someone arrives*
Guest: Is your dog okay?
Host: Yeah, don’t worry they perform the borkening whenever someone comes over, they just want to be let out to see you.
by essays_suck September 7, 2020
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the feeling of being so uninterested in something that you become motivated to do everything but what you really need to accomplish
Sammy: Did you finish the lab report?
George: No, I've done everything possible except that. Antimotivation for the win!

Jessica: Have you started the bio essay?
Henry: Haha are you kidding? I'm so antimotivated that I went through wikipedia reading summaries of shows, season by season.
by essays_suck October 15, 2013
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