1 definition by elijtanner

Daisie is the definition of perfect. If you ever meet a Daisie you will smile till your cheeks ache. She is the prettiest and sweetest person that you will ever see. Don’t let her get away from you she is a diamond in the rough and you will never find anyone like her. Daisie is my world and if you find a Daisie she will be your world too. Daisie is caring and will do anything to make sure that you are doing well. If you ever come across a Daisie love her till you die because Daisie is loyal and is cuter then a newborn red panda. Daisie reminds me of flowers and sunshine because she is so bright.
I love Daisie
Daisie is so beautiful.
by elijtanner November 22, 2022
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