1 definition by elenasgf

The relationship between Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert from "The Vampire Diaries". They're sweet, comforting, angsty, complicated, messed up, but above all, EPIC.

"Stefan is your epic love." - Caroline Forbes

"All I see is Stefan and Elena." - Klaus Mikaelson

"I envy that. You and Elena. I envy the love that you have." - Rebekah Mikaelson

"She will always be an epic love." - Lexi Branson

"You and her... EPIC." - Caroline Forbes

"One night, an eternity, you'd never look at me the way you look at Elena, would you?" - Katherine Pierce

"Do you think you'll ever love anyone like you love that girl?" - Rebekah Mikaelson

"Well, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies." - Klaus Mikaelson
"Well, I'm sure team Stelena will figure it out."
by elenasgf December 24, 2022
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