3 definitions by eastbaydj

The g-rated answer given to a child under the age of ten when asking their mother why she is smiling incessently after an amazing session of sex with their significant other.
Example: "Mommy why are you smiling? Because honey I'm having a party in my tummy."
by eastbaydj February 9, 2011
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When women get their faces and hair dolled up to leave the house but stay in the pajama pants and tops they slept in. Usually wearing Uggs or flip flops and big sunglasses.
Guy: Hey babe wanna go to breakfast?

Girl: No sweetie I just wanna chill in my pajamas this morning.

Guy: That's ok honey you can just go pajamping this morning.

Girl: Ok give me 10 minutes to put my face on and do my hair and we'll leave!
by eastbaydj May 6, 2014
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A state of bliss and love so powerful and deep that multiple words must be run together to clearly and concisely state the height of what amounts to unconditional love. Exclusively found in specific parts of Contra Costa County, CA
His loveverternity was so strong for her he had to create a new word.
by eastbaydj December 4, 2019
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