2 definitions by duckylove@17
noun_a group of highly enlightened ducks that posses magical powers!
funnzy facts: blogospheres only live in infinity and beyond not on earth so don’t try to find! (dun dun dun)
•possibly available in failing drug stores located in china town cause everybody knows those be magic
noun thingy_a blogospheres is anything you want it to be!!!
(CAUTION: blogospheres are not in plural and the S is not optional and non negotiable thank you for your support)
love, blogospheres everywhere!
funnzy facts: blogospheres only live in infinity and beyond not on earth so don’t try to find! (dun dun dun)
•possibly available in failing drug stores located in china town cause everybody knows those be magic
noun thingy_a blogospheres is anything you want it to be!!!
(CAUTION: blogospheres are not in plural and the S is not optional and non negotiable thank you for your support)
love, blogospheres everywhere!
by duckylove@17 September 2, 2020
noun_a group of highly enlightened ducks that posses magical powers!
funnzy facts: blogospheress only live in infinity and beyond not on earth so don’t try to find! (dun dun dun)
•possibly available in failing drug stores located in china town cause everybody knows those be magic
noun thingy_a blogospheress is anything you want it to be!!!
(CAUTION: blogospheress are not in plural and the SS is not optional and non negotiable thank you for your support)
love, blogospheress everywhere!
noun_a group of highly enlightened ducks that posses magical powers!
funnzy facts: blogospheress only live in infinity and beyond not on earth so don’t try to find! (dun dun dun)
•possibly available in failing drug stores located in china town cause everybody knows those be magic
noun thingy_a blogospheress is anything you want it to be!!!
(CAUTION: blogospheress are not in plural and the SS is not optional and non negotiable thank you for your support)
love, blogospheress everywhere!
by duckylove@17 September 24, 2020