1 definition by drlppyfaucet

Asher, a troubled and misunderstood boy. Is usually taller than most people by middle school, and has brunette hair and very pretty light blue eyes. They are very underweight, suicidal, have the most monotone voice ever, and are often sarcastic, shy, and rude, and abused at home. Asher barely eats and is a alcoholic at age 14, and started smoking at age 15. Everything sucks for Asher, for he is a loner with only one friend. But when Asher waits he gets a group of friends and a loving boyfriend. His friend group is some what similar to him, bullied and hated. When everythings starting to be good for him its instantly taken away, his boyfriend dose not exist, he is only part of Ashers imagination because he is chimeric. his group of friends soon rip apart and hes left to fix the tragedy on his own.
person 1: look at that guy...he must be an Asher

person 2: no shit, look at the way he acts
by drlppyfaucet June 7, 2020
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