1 definition by dreamcatchertarots

name Divyakshi means someone carrying eternal and pure soulful eyes ,searching for achieving all the dreams they have. Divyakshi, hindu religion ,gender :female defined to be mixed categorised for partially introvert and extrovert . She startingly somehow lack in her love life but people truly appreciate her value and lots of boys approach her .A girl born with luck and success will definately be popular ,prosperous with perfect love life with loving family and abroadal future. in her love life she might fined her partner to be have age gap of around 7 to 10 yrs ,but it would be true and stronget.her chances of settling abroad and marrying foreigner re high till 90percent .May be she will be one of the celebritic personality holder and in future if she is interested and follow her talent and hobbies will be definately be a rising SENSATIONAL STAR with .above defination is through the tarot card reading for the name for currently in 2021-2022.
hey Divyakshi you will achieve your dream because your partner is supportful
by dreamcatchertarots November 24, 2021
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