14 definitions by donnie2light

When two minds come together and harmoniously relate seemingly becoming one entity.
As me and Joe played Mortal Kombat we started just knowing how each other would react and move.We were really mind melding.
by donnie2light July 11, 2009
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The dire condition of putting too much faith in a president only to have your hopes and dreams dashed to pieces by the extreme let down.
I need to see a shrink,I am suffering from  a severe case of Obamatrauma.
by donnie2light July 10, 2009
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A loser with the special quality of no ambition.A lazy lowlife.
Dan does nothing all day and expects everyone to pay his way,man what a clunkweed.
by donnie2light July 11, 2009
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1.Term used for mentally visualizing harming someone as retaliation for an insult or attack.2.Psychologically choking Dick Cheney to release hatred and vitriol.
Pissed off and having nothing to punch I settled for Choking Cheney.
by donnie2light July 10, 2009
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1.An alterate reality you that reflects the traits you wish not to possess.2.The you you don't want to become.
Stan reminds me of me in ten years if I don't change my ways.He is my anti-doppleganger.
by donnie2light July 11, 2009
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A name for an individual who claims the Republican party.
That Stan voted for George Bush what a retardocan.
by donnie2light July 10, 2009
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A chick that can bend in all the right ways.
Michelle is great in the sack she is an origami mommy.
by donnie2light July 10, 2009
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