4 definitions by dongdong1


Mankind, but without the "man". Should be called woperchild instead, 2.1/10
Lesbian Feminist: I'm going to complain online for woman-kind!
Redpilled dude: zoo-wee-mama!
by dongdong1 April 12, 2021
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Guy 1: Hey I'm moving to northern califor-
Guy 2: *Shoots friend in the chest* you're no longer my frind
Guy 1: *fucking dies*
God: Swag.
Guy 2: SoCal gang
by dongdong1 March 9, 2021
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Featured on an iceberg, unknown why or where he got his information from, but nobody knows for sure what it was.

1. an alleged (rap) song from Memphis that contained a murder in the background
2. An alleged suicide recording from a kid who had nothing else in his phone, strangely.
3. Probably some white kid's shitty rap from the 2000's that got corrupted and became a mystery.
Redpilled BasedLord: Have you heard of rap.mp3
Normie: bruh! cringe! is that some kid's shitty rap? xd! *emojis*
by dongdong1 April 12, 2021
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Mankind, but with more men. Most likely drenched in blood and ass-raped into oblivion.
incel: fuck this gay earth im leaving to go to manmankind
*incel after ascension*: *gets ass-raped into oblivion and bludgeoned to death*
by dongdong1 April 12, 2021
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