

Woperchild is the politically correct way to say woman.

The reasoning is as follows:

Wo-"man" is not ok because it has man in it. So you say, "wo-person." But you can't say per-"son" because son is too male dominant. So you say per-child.

Hence, woperchild. Guaranteed not to offend even lesbian per-children of color.
Some of my woperchildren friends were helping me last night to feel shame about the fact that I am a heterosexual white male devil.
by vox monitor July 7, 2005
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A non-sexist way of saying "woman".
"woman" has the word "man" in it, so it becomes "woperson",
"woperson"has the word "son" in it , so it becoms "woperchild",plural:"woperchildren".
Ah man, those woperchildren ruined my day.
My woperchild cheated on me.
by bambuk1000 January 11, 2019
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