2 definitions by dog eater 38743927932

has a 5 inch dick, often very funny and considered as a chad
Guy: hey i just met a guy called Tyson
Girl: oh i love that guy, he has a 5 inch dick, often very funny and considered as a chad
Guy: im not gay but id fuck him
Girl: yeh unlike a guy called zak, fuck that 2
by dog eater 38743927932 June 25, 2020
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A fortnite YouTuber who puts too many arrows in his thubnails and tries to get people attentions by putting the only interesting part in the video at the start then forces u to watch 30min of him and his obnoxious voice
Hey guys it's ali a here and you would not believe what I just found in fortnite battle royale *intro begins*
by dog eater 38743927932 April 25, 2018
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