2 definitions by diavolul

That moment, when you stare into the dark empty space of your soul towards the outside, and you realise you are too slow even for yourself, but at the same time, you do acknowledge the fact that you are a reciever-transmitter to yourself.
Hey man, I thought you were out, but I see now that you were just touching the rabbit!
by diavolul June 25, 2015
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Terminology used in the drug world meaning magic mushrooms or shrooms. Used as a substitute word as to avoid conflict with surrounding persons. Relates with super Mario brothers and how the 1-up life is a mushroom, and also some people believe that a shroom trip can be a life changing(1 upping) experience.
Dude the 1 ups I took the other night blew my mother fucking mind, I mean I was in a different dimension....
by diavolul December 17, 2010
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