1 definition by derpinhahahaha

The area code of New Port Richey, Port Richey, and Holiday. This land is filled with wiggers, stuck up rich kids, and preppy faggots.

What you'll find here:

Why people move here:
-Looks like a nice place to live, but after 5 years, it becomes boring, and tempting you by living "close" to places, such as Busch gardens, but not close enough that you can actually leave school then go.
-Nice houses, nice neighborhoods. If the neighborhood next to you is a trailer park, which is most, and you consider it a nice neighborhood, 727 is where you want to look.

Average parent is a failure doctor, so they stopped somewhere in between and became an assistant, making a decent amount of money, but not as much as they wanted to. This makes them depressed, and making everyone around them depressed, causing "727itis"
B: I live in 727!
G: Sucks for you, I live in 813.
by derpinhahahaha February 21, 2011
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