1 definition by datafulisthenewbeautiful

When designing experiences, the best way to combat one's "gut intuition" is to leverage data during the process. Leveraging quantitative data together with qualitative data are two key methods by which one's intuition can be challenged for its most arrogant biases.

It is a positively valenced word that speaks to how data often gets a bad rap when constructing experiences. A dataful approach is about being more inclusive of all kinds of data throughout the production and deployment of an experience by being evidence-based. Ultimately users are better served because their unique differences are better understood — rather than designing just around one creator's interpretation of what is right.
The designer used a dataful approach, which resulted in something both impactful to our users and beautiful as an experience.

Being dataful when designing an experience does not mean throwing away your intuition — it's instead about augmenting your intuition with evidence-based reasoning.
by datafulisthenewbeautiful November 8, 2019
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