2 definitions by darkhorse.12321

Awesome person, probably an all-rounder....has no idea of what's going on with people around her because she would rather stay home and read a book. Super fun when you get to know them. Probably has a weird sense of humor and is high all the time.
Wow! She is so awesome, her name is probably Anagha.
by darkhorse.12321 November 20, 2020
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An awesome person who is probably an all-rounder, a little moody with her two main moods being 'so chill' and 'no chill'. Has no idea what is going on around her because she would rather stay home and read a book, but still ends up in the middle of all the drama and gossip. Fun-loving and adventurous person once you get to know her, but getting to know them takes an eternity. Overall, a jack of all trades that wants attention but doesn't want it at the same time
by darkhorse.12321 November 20, 2020
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