1 definition by crackback

GANGSTER : Real as fuck , honest, very trustworthy ,pothead ,functiong addict discombobulated, high conceieted , knuckle head, hard worker. over achiever,good looking , extremist at what ever he enjoys doing in life professional fisherman ,Atheists loyal to family and friends nomatterwhat ,drugdealer / middle man ,Hustler ,Jack of all trades ,entrepreneurs , self employed ,respected, hated by most intimidated and feared by fake ass lames ,or fakes &snakes one who has completely zero tolernce for disrespectful behavior ,positive ,happy angry , irate , short fused, good fighter very observant ,cocky, sarcastic well mannered respectful computer and amdroid savy ,crackback ,repeated felon , no regard for public health and safety profesional cleaner profesional landscaper ,very competitive, straight , no homo, agressor, violent great work ethnic, instigator , badass, high anxiety fast learner, open minded , tweeker , early riser determined , very egotistical , optimistic , skeptical ,down as fuck , street smart ,savage as fuck ,nice ,friendly off tha hook
michael baker hes a good guy very trustworthy the other day i left all my shit in the room i came back it wasnt touched .
by crackback May 10, 2019
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