2 definitions by countDockula


To exhibit or exult traits/behavior strongly linked to junior the son (padre of pandemonium, old J) such as

1. Disregarding all rules and laws

2. Seeking chaos and destruction for satisfying

3. Being insanely sadistic and/or masochistic

4. Eating lots of yogurt, or strange foods

5. being the jack of all trades
6. Mastering many arts and skills

7. having a mysterious or unknown past

8. making unannounced exits often

9. being gone for long extended periods of time
10. being strange or eccentric, (ie; a weirdo)
11. enjoying torturing others or seeking violent justice
12. being an outcast who paves their own path

13. oversleeping or missing important venues

14. Ignoring thotties DMs

15. having multiple social media accounts or zero
16. embracing mental illness

17. Having a philosophical outlook on life and being able to justify LITERALLY ANYTHING

18. using different alias or taking on different appearances every once in a while

19. rebellious nature or opposing authority on the daily

20. having an intensively creative side and maintaining an unbelievable willpower in terms of accomplishing goals

21. Changing the names of people/things/places

22. List is too long, it would be infinite, see (juniorisms2.0)

“man this guys juniorisms really set him apart from the crowd”

Girl 1: your pretty strange aren’t you?

Guy 1: Yea you could say I’m a phenomenal person

Girl 1: ugh, OOkay, your juniorisms right ?

Guy 1: …uh yeah I guess

“”This girls got some REAL juniorisms”

“For someone to have juniorisms is NOT limited to gender, race, sexual orientation, etc. ANYONE CAN EXHIBIT juniorisms”

Juniorisms can affect ANYBODY and that’s the worst part”
by countDockula February 28, 2022
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Someone who plays around and takes the world as it is, rather than walk around as if with a stick up their arse

makes jokes and has a good sense of humor who hardly takes the world serious anymore, nonetheless leaves a bad taste in jealous peoples mouths..

His name is J, he is jokeful
“Oh don’t be so jokeful, your making this worse”

Response: “nah, I’m fine, you go fuck yourself and let me enjoy my day”

“Being jokeful is NEVER a bad thing”

When you take life not so seriously you tend to become occasionally jokeful

Jokeful” might not technically be a real word but hell, it IS NOW goddamnit. Take that “English” “dictionary”
by countDockula February 28, 2022
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