1 definition by claudiala

We are nice, people are nice, but maybe we can get like mad or nasty because we just get Fustrated. Ya we have cool cars but that isnt a bad thing.
I love westport, we dont think that we have to be an overachiever w.e. i think it is horrible what you people think of our town becuase just becuase we have monmey doesnt me you have to bug us about it. We are lucky we live here. It doesnt matter anyways. If you lived in our town you would love it too. So stop saying all this crap. Does it matter if your a jew or not either, iam not but i dont care i went to a lot of parties for them who they hell cares.big houses are nice anyways.Town is soo nice looking.
by claudiala November 14, 2005
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