1 definition by classynsassy

A situationship is kinda like a relationship, but more of a situation.
Friends with benefits are in a situationship.
People that are a 'thing' are in a situationship.

Many people have situationships with an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend.
If two people are considered to be 'complicated' they are most likely in a situationship.
If someone isn't your boyfriend/girlfriend because of a fear of being labeled, they are definitely in a situationship!
They aren't even dating, they are in a situationship! ....its complicated....
I had situationship with that guy from Miami last summer.

Remember that girl/guy from the bar? There's a situationship I'd like to forget!

She refuses to date until the divorce is final so she and her guy friend are in a situationship.
by classynsassy June 24, 2014
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