1 definition by chickennoodlesoup1

Zacks are generally kind and generous, always putting others' happiness ahead of theirs. With their quick wit, they always make you laugh at the right time when you're feeling down. They're incredibly intelligent, a little too obsessed with science and technology, and huge stoners. Getting high with a Zack is a great time. You can talk to a Zack for hours and never get bored. You can trust him with your life, your soul, and your secrets; tell him anything. Zacks are very coolheaded, rarely getting angry.

Zacks are incredibly adorable, and make great cuddlers. They're loyal til the end. Their kisses will make you week; you'll miss them like crazy when they're gone. Zacks are very easy to love. <3
"I have a Zack all to myself."
"Lucky!! I want a Zack!!!"
by chickennoodlesoup1 December 9, 2013
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