3 definitions by catrapeman
So the orange funday is basically when two lesbians fuck two gay guys. Its quite simple but to go into more detail, the two gay guys stick there dicks into the girls anus' and then they have a orgasm. Usually they then pour orange juice over the top of the 'FUN' and enjoy drinking each others bodily fluids.
Orange funday deserves a story!!!
by catrapeman May 20, 2019
When the person in question wants or is having a sexual relationship with a chair. Some examples may include pounding the chair leg into your ass or vagina, another example is drilling a hole into the seat of the chair and fucking it with your penis. There are many other ways too but these are the classic ones.
by catrapeman May 20, 2019
When you give an over the top hand job to some guy but you go so hard that the foreskin is ripped clean off.
by catrapeman May 20, 2019