3 definitions by carter10111213

A racist term that crackers call South Asians.
Mexican: Yo Gringo, do my math homwork.
Cracker/Gringo: Yo Gupesack, do his math homework.
Gupesack: Ok
by carter10111213 July 7, 2019
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A greeting used to express excitement. It is a combination of sup, the greeting, and pog, a Twitch-coined term used to express excitement.
RK: *enters classroom*
RK: supog
by carter10111213 February 12, 2021
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When you don't want to do something yourself but get happy when someone offers to help you with it
Student 1: I didn't study for today's SAT
Student 2: I studied for the past 2 months for today's SAT
Student 1: Cheatpog?
Student 2: Cheatpog.
Student 1: Thanks bro
by carter10111213 March 3, 2021
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