2 definitions by carpenoctum

A person who enjoys the company of drunken or high people, and the atmosphere of parties where people are drunk or high, but neither drinks nor does drugs.

Any feeling of moral or ethical superiority on the part of the non-user disqualifies them from being called a sobie.

Also Sob, pronounced Soab, can be used for short.
He's a sobie, so he can drive us home, because the rest of us are in no condition.
by carpenoctum July 19, 2009
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A person who enjoys the company of drunken or high people, and the atmosphere of parties where people are drunk or high, but neither drinks nor does drugs.

Any feeling of moral or ethical superiority on the part of the non-user disqualifies them from being called a sobie.

Also Sob, pronounced Soab, can be used for short.
He's a sobie, so he can drive us home, because the rest of us are in no condition.
by carpenoctum July 19, 2009
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