1 definition by can read a dictionary and know the difference.

Fuck. Cant you dumbasses read a fucking dictionary?
adj. 1. -> anorexic (def. 1).
2. also, anorexic. colloquial extremely thin, as if suffering from anorexia nervosa.
n. 3. -> anorexic (def. 3).

n. lack of appetite. also anorexy.

anorexia nervosa
n. a mental disorder, most common in adolescent girls, causing an aversion to food, which may lead to serious malnutrition.

adj. 1. also, anorectic. suffering from anorexia nervosa.
2. colloquial -> anorectic (def. 2).
n. 3. also, anorectic. someone suffering from anorexia nervosa.

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