2 definitions by can u get me a fanta

Bunda means a big and tough guy, often used as a complement!
Next time you see a couple and the dude is big and buff tell his girl she has a big Bunda she will appreciate it
You: Hey girl you have a big Bunda of here!
The girl: Thank you!
Bunda: haha thanks!
by can u get me a fanta April 23, 2021
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when something tragic happens such as somebody falling off their skateboard, breaking a few bones along with that maybe some teeth and an eyebrow torn off, you could say they ate poop.
Geezza 1: He fell of the skateboard *laughing*
Geezza 2 (aka you): Broooooooooo, he ate poop...
by can u get me a fanta April 22, 2021
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