1 definition by buhcgdhv

The most gorgeous woman to ever walk the planet . Everybody loves her . One of the most out-going/laid-back people ever . Doesn't care what anybody thinks . Not afraid to knock a bitch out . Very very very beautiful . Beyond sexy . Being with her is a once in a life time opportunity & once you get her you should never let go or you will regret it big time . The sexiest woman in the world ! Once you lose her trust , it's hard to get it back . She is absolutely amazing . Not the type of girlfriend that is constantly looking over your shoulder & she won't obsess over you . Sexilicious Goddess sent from the Heavens above ! The most stunning person on the face of the Earth . If you ever get the chance to date her , don't ever let go of her because she will truly love you . Once you lose her , you lose everything .
Daphne is amazing .
I wish I was like Daphne !
by buhcgdhv December 25, 2010
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