2 definitions by bobbipin

Alt or Alternative is a style of music, but is also an umbrella term to describe Alt Subcultures. The main part of being Alt is your music taste and beliefs. You cant call yourself "Emo" if your just sad and dress in black, you have to listen to Emo music. Some Emo bands are Falling in Reverse, My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy. Goth is more than just putting on black lipstick and eyeliner. Goth subculture was created by fans of Gothic Rock. Some Goth Rock bands are The Cure, The Sisters of Mercy and Joy Division. Punk is very important, because it pretty much birthed the other subcultures. Being Punk isn't just jelling your hair into spikes. Punk was created because Punk bands rejected mainstream Rock. Some Punk bands are The Clash, The Sex Pistols and Green Day. Grunge is not wearing chains and wearing black ripped jeans. Grunge is a subculture. NOT a fashion style. Grunge is known as of a hybrid of punk and metal. Some Grunge bands are Nirvana, Alice in Chains, and Soundgarden. Metal is also a big part of the Alt Community. Metals not just loud music, its about individuality and freedom. Some Metal bands are Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath and Slayer. Alt beliefs are a gigantic part of the community. If you don't believe in ACAB, BLM, Fuck ICE and LGBTQ rights YOUR NOT ALT. Alt is not just wearing eyeliner, drinking monsters and wearing chains. It has history. Also if your Indie and only listen to Indie Pop, you not Alt, you have to listen to Indie Rock.
Person 1: I'm Alt. But i only listen to Indie Pop and drink Monsters.
Person 2: That's not Alt, but if you want, i can show you some Indie Rock and we could get Monsters together?

Person 1: Oh that sounds great thanks!

Person 2: Ofc!! :)
by bobbipin September 4, 2020
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The Latin word "Fulminare" translates as "to flash with thunderbolts." It is used to describe stormy sky, filled with flashing lightning.
Person 1. the Fulminare is beautiful tonight
by bobbipin September 4, 2020
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