2 definitions by blakeand

When making eye contact with a member of the oppisite sex that is so good you want to jump their bones at that exact moment. A person can generaly tell when they have given some one an eyegasm. The eyegasmie well generally:

1. Lose their footing and possibly go weak at the knees
2. (If male) Discretly tuck up their boner
3. Shake uncontrolably
"See that girl over there dude?"
"Yeah, Why?"
"I totally just gave her an eyegasm"
by blakeand February 19, 2008
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When making eye contact with a member of the oppisite sex that is so good you want to jump their bones at that exact moment. A person can generaly tell when they have given some one an eyegasm. The eyegasmie well generally:

1. Lose their footing and possibly go weak at the knees
2. (If male) Discretly tuck up their boner
3. Shake uncontrolably
"See that girl over there dude?"
"Yeah, Why?"
"I totally just gave her an eyegasm"
by blakeand February 17, 2008
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