1 definition by beth[rtr]

Stoke Scene Twats/Team

Situated in Stoke on Trent, this group of people are as scene as scene can get, regularly take trips to manchester/aflex palace.

they are straight edge as fuck and the majority dont drink or smoke but all sleep with each other

They have a magazine run by two annonmus SST members which can be purchased for 50p in hanley and is called the SSG (stoke scene gossip)

when they walk past many people shout "wheres your famous wheres your famous wheres your famous SST wheres your famous SST"

they relply with snidy comments

they are all in bands
"what are you doing?"
"Throwing some rad shapes for myspace pictures"
"cuz im in the SST fool"
by beth[rtr] October 1, 2006
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