3 definitions by b-tex1

The information you leave behind (in the cloud) when you think you've deleted something from the internet or twitter.
Dude! You think hitting the delete button means that post is gone? Sorry to tell you bud, but you've left a vapor trail - cyberspace never forgets ;-}
by b-tex1 October 29, 2012
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An oxymoron in pun form. A contradiction in terms - Oxford - the university which only accepts the brightest... Moron - an individual with less intelligence than the ones who decide these matters consider normal.
by b-tex1 May 4, 2009
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Resistance, in older people, to new ideas and change. Generally speaking, closed-mindedness and myopia.
Uncle Fred's not down with Facebook - he has xenofeebia.
by b-tex1 August 24, 2012
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